The thing with the insights is that they “come” every day, sometimes a couple of times per day and we understand them only if we hear ourselves, the voice inside our head, which was so difficult for me to get a habit of. But anyway, if you know what I mean if you are focused on being a better person and improving yourself spiritually, you will understand and feel the insights I would like to share with you.

1. Being in the present moment, literally, helps you to get rid of stress, anxiety and overwhelmingness. You see, thoughts are tricky. Where are you with your thoughts when you feel stressed? There are two options. In the future or in the past. There is no anxiety in the present.

This is what I do to get me back here in this moment:

+ Touch something with your hand and feel the texture, think about feelings from the touch;

+ Breathe right now and smell what is around you;

+ Find three things or objects that you like aesthetically right now, it can be people, colors, landscape, window, or whatever ;

+ Ask yourself WHAT PHYSICALLY you can do right now to solve the issue you are stressing about. Just understand what is in your hands and what is not. If there is something you can do about it, please, just plan your next move and do it. Stress won’t help.

2. We are all energy. We are all one. If you are doing anything, ANYTHING, in this world – you are doing it to yourself. Every object is energy, every person is energy. So super important to understand that everything around us is energy that has its function. Like if you are a finger and I am a shoulder, hurting a finger will still be like hurting our body. Hope, you’ve got my example.

3. Focus is in focus. You surround your life with things you are keeping your focus on. People have many destructions in their path but if you keep focusing on what you choose you’ll be reaching your goals way faster. So focus on what you want and do not get distracted by things just because they’re coming on your way.

4. Be grateful for everything you have now. People always want something more, it’s in our nature. But what is really important is to be thankful for what we are having right now because we came here. We did some job to have the things we are having now. Be thankful to yourself and the Universe or God for helping you in a way.

5. The things you are afraid of are your lessons. Personally, I started to see my fears as things, as lessons, as some things that I can’t control and it would make me feel stressed, which I don’t like. So what I’m trying to do is separate from a fear as if it would be a thing and understand why and what exactly I am scared of. From 50 times – 50 times I got the answer. There is always a reason. If you can not talk to yourself with calmness in your soul I suggest psychotherapy. It truly brings your subconscious mind in this world and eventually you will understand why you are afraid of something and what exactly you can do to learn your lesson, to let go your fear once and for all.

I hope my insights can be useful to your present life. Many hugs

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